
Why invest your time to learn Angular and Spring?

Meta avatar Mario Romano   04. December, 2017
I personally think there are a lot of reasons why these technologies are proving to be relevant in the modern web developer ecosystem. In the following lines, I will try to illustrate the top 4 reasons and I will also show you an easy way to learn it.


Time in software development is a key factor and frameworks like Angular and Spring reduce boilerplate code and shorten the development time of your application. Most people are concerned about the learning curve and the time needed to master these technologies, but that time is more than repaid back by the time you will save during the development phase.


There is no reason to waste your energy on reinventing the wheel, someone has already wired things like databases, servlets and security behind the scenes for you. Your energies are better spent on the domain of the problem that you are trying to solve instead of wasting it on trying to understand how to connect databases or similar.


Standards technologies like Spring and Angular facilitate reuse of the code making it cleaner and more explicit encouraging usage of well defined patterns. The fact that these technologies are becoming a standard is also confirmed by the JetBrains survey.

Reduce errors

Typescript provides compile time type checking that will intercept errors that differently would have caused an error at runtime.

How to learn it

Now that you understand the reasons why spend some time to learn these technologies is important, let's see together how to minimise this time but also how to do it in a way that is fun and easy to remember. As a developer, we all want to be able to create something without going through too much theory, and in general the three questions we all ask ourselves when we have to use a new technology are : what, when and how - what is this thing, when should I use it and how does this thing work. These three simple questions are what drive all the videos courses that I create. If you are interested in studying these two frameworks you will find my video course path easy to follow because divided in three parts with an increasing level of difficulty:

Part One - Learning Web Application with Spring 5 and Angular 2

In this video course, I explain the what, when and how of all the fundamental concepts of Angular and Spring with examples preceded by just a couple of slides on the theory. You will learn how to use the Angular CLI and Spring Boot project enabling you to create a new application from the first video. If you are a full stack developer or you want to become a full stack developer you will also appreciate the clean structure of the course divided into three sections: section one frontend using Angular, section two backed using Spring 5 and section three frontend plus backend where you will learn how to create a fully working authentication page using spring security.

Part Two - Building a Web Application with Spring and Angular

In the second part, you will also learn how to persist your data. This video course follows the same structure as the one before but is more focused on advanced concepts like Angular forms, Spring data and validation.

Part Three - Using Spring and Angular for Web Application

Part three focuses on how to prettify your applications using Angular Material design, but also how to create a live messaging system using WebSocket. In the end, you will see how to make the produced application rock solid with unit tests using Jasmin and Junit. You will also learn how to deploy it using a CI system like Travis, how to distribute it using the Npm repository and how to deploy it using GitHub pages or Heroku.